Population Growth and Process of Population Change

Concept Explanation

Population Growth and Process of Population Change

Population growth and processes of population change: Due to births, deaths and migrations the number, distribution and composition of population change continuously.

Population Growth: The change in the number of people of a country or state during a specific period of time is called growth of population. Usually, it is mostly calculated at the interval of 10 years. The change can be expressed either in terms of absolute numbers or in terms of annual growth rate.

  • Absolute Increase of Population: It means the absolute numbers added each year or in each decade in the population. It is obtained by simply subtracting the earlier population (e.g. that of 1991) from the later population (e.g. that of 2001).
  • Annual Growth Rate of Population: The rate, at which the number of individuals in a population increases in 1 year as a fraction of the initial population, is called annual growth rate of population. It is expressed in terms of per cent per annum. For example, a rate of increase of 2% per annum means that there was an increase of 2 persons for every 100 persons in the initial population.
  • Processes of Population Change/Growth: Population changes due to the processes of births, deaths and migrations. The natural increase of population or the growth rate is the difference between birth rates and death rates.

  • Birth Rate: The number of live births per thousand persons in a year is called birth rate. The birth rate is a major component of population growth as in India; it has been always higher than the death rate.
  • Death Rate: The number of deaths per thousand persons in a year is called death rate. The main cause of the rate of growth of the Indian population has been the rapid decline in death rates. There has been a rapid decline in death rates during the last 50 years due to better healthcare and nutrition, which have made this factor also important for growth of population.
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